Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My First Blog Post...About Blogging!

Ok, I guess everyone is doing this…blogging! Well, maybe not everyone, but lots of people. I’ve read a few sites about successful blogging and at the moment I can’t remember everything they said, but one mentioned that I should blog about my interests, be myself, don’t be too controversial, don’t be negative about people, be witty and use humor…oh, and keep it short. All in all, pretty good advice.
Let me start with the last one: keep it short. I am a pastor who preaches weekly and my congregation will tell you, keeping things short is not one of my strengths.
Be witty and use humor…uh, maybe in another post. Nothing funny or witty comes to mind.
Don’t be negative about people: I agree. Personal attacks are never right or Christ-like.
Don’t be too controversial: this is where it gets a bit sticky, because talking about my faith will likely be controversial for some.
Be myself…since I’m not 15 anymore, I should be fine with this one.
My interests: that should be easy. My interests are varied, but they are:
  1. Jesus Christ
  2. My wife
  3. My children
  4. The church I pastor
  5. The Boston Red Sox (and ultimately the game of baseball)
  6. Pretty much anything made by Apple
  7. Accordance Bible Software (more on that in another post)
  8. I like to golf, but haven’t done so in a really long time (since my brothers-in-law moved further away from me)
  9. Food, most of it, especially Italian food – I’m still trying to find a verse of Scripture that proves my belief that there will be cannoli in heaven…I don’t think there is such verse.
Well, that’s it. I think this post was too long…oops!

1 comment:

SEOBloggersTips said...

Thanks for sharing your first blog post experience....Its nice to read gour article.

i have also started blogging and completed my first blog post... hope you will provide me your feedback about that.