Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Bible Software I Use and Recommend

As a 2nd generation pastor, I remember seeing all the books in my Dad's library and remember often seeing them spread out on his desk as he would study and labor over his messages (for many years preaching 3 times a week). I wonder how many hours Dad would have saved with Accordance. Of course, by the time computers became a must have for most pastors, Dad was in the later years of his ministry and I was in the early years of mine. A few years ago, I discovered Accordance and was pleasantly surprised at the time by how fast it was (that was Accordance 6). Now at version 9, Accordance is just as fast as ever, is native to the Mac and continues to provide excellent resources for in depth Bible study. I have only begun to scratch the surface of using Accordance, but there are excellent quality resources like a the Lighting the Lamp Podcast and a knowledgeable community of users in the Accordance User Forum to help get you started. You won't regret it.

I don't remember the last time I had books spread out all over my desk because they are now neatly organized in my Accordance Bible Software workspace.

The new Multimedia Preview gives you some quick insight into a few of the things Accordance has to offer.

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